Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Fruit Today... Leather Tomorrow

I am headed home in two days... we will be celebrating a tardy Father's Day and my Mom's birthday (which is today actually - happy day Mom)!  So, I am gathering up all my goodies to take home.  Dad, if you are reading, stop and wait two days - k?

My Dad has a penchant for third grade snacks.  I don't remember this as a child, but since I've moved out, my brother noticed his weird lunch habits.  String cheese and pudding... really?  Anyways, when I was thinking about what would make a delightful Dad's day gift, I thought of homemade fruit leather... I mean for the man who loves kids snacks, its perfect right? 

So I set out to make fruit roll-ups, homemade style, using this recipe... It is in the oven and hopefully by breakfast I'll have something delightful!

Fresh strawberries, freshly squeezed lemon juice, a touch of sugar....

And then, I forgot to take a picture of me blending the fruit in a blender.  But I did, and it ended up like this on a cookie tray, in the oven.

 I'll post the final project tomorrow.  I can't wait for a taste... I hope it turns out really well!

On a side note, Craft Rescue Hero was doing undercover work as Dog-De-Stinking Hero and bathing Attila.  Gus got a bath 2 nights ago.  Attila was so cute with a shampoo mohawk.  So, indulge me in my baby dog pictures.

Wild Thing, You Make My Heart Sing!
Look at those big eyes, begging me to take him out of the tub!  Afterwards, he got his hair blow-dryed, and a mani-pedi!  My sweet boy!  And Gus, I love you too!

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